Incorporated on April 26, 1994, the Green College Dining Society (GCDS) was brought to life to serve members of the Green College community. As a registered, non-profit society it oversees the dining and catering at Green College, UBC. All Resident Members of Green College are members of the GCDS. Decisions regarding the governing of the society are typically made by the Board of Directors, although consultation with the membership at large is sought for important decisions.
On October 18, 1994, members elected their very first Board of Directors:
President: Paul Chwelos
Vice-President: Andrew Hall
Secretary: Mirelle Cohen
Treasurer: Jeff Mowat
Directors: Donald Brooks, Sherry Eisenstein, Richard Ericson, Rhys Evans, and Kelly Russell
Touted as "the most direct way that one can have input into the food and catering at Green College" in 1994, the GCDS remains a central part of life at Green College where members share food and fellowship together in the Dining Hall. Changes are bound to have the significant influence on the life of members at Green College. Shared meals together is an essential ingredient in the recipe for a strong community. Today the GCDS remains in service to members of Green College, a non-profit member-funded society by members and for members.
Getting Involved
The Green College Dining Society cannot function without volunteers to serve on its Board of Directors and other special committees, to make important business and policy decisions of the Society. Vacancies in board positions may arise during the year outside of elections held annually at an Annual General Meeting. If you're interested in getting involved, please contact any serving member of the Society listed on the board of directors, below.
Board of Directors
Amanda Sears,
Vice President
Kelly Thomas,
Luvina Wan,
Director at Large (Ex Officio)
Clark Lundeen,